Annual Awards 2024: Nomination Submissions Now Open!

The Rugby Ontario Hall of Fame & Awards Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the Annual Provincial Awards. Nominees are any individuals (players, coaches, match officials and volunteers) and teams who have had achievements worthy of recognition and who have exerted a distinctive, positive influence on the sport of rugby in Ontario.

If you believe you know of a deserving candidate who displays these qualities, we encourage you to submit a nomination by filling out a respective form with the necessary information. In addition to completing a nomination form, nominators may supplement their nomination with letters of endorsement and documentary evidence (e.g. articles, links to materials, newspaper clippings). The deadline to submit an Annual Awards nomination is October 6th at 11:59pm ET (submissions received after this date will not be considered).

What are the classes for nomination?
There are 4 classes of Annual Awards:

* A new Evaluation Rubric is included in the Nomination Criteria document for these award categories.  We encourage all applicants to carefully review the selection criteria in advance of preparing a nomination and supporting materials.

Who can nominate?
Each Annual Award category provides guidelines on who is eligible to submit a nomination.  Please refer to the Nominations Criteria document for each type of award that can be found on our website.  In all cases, nominations must originate from individuals or member clubs / branches that are in good standing with Rugby Ontario.

Where do I submit a nomination?
Please complete and submit using one of the four (4) Rugby Ontario Annual Awards Nomination Forms that can be found on our website, and be sure select the appropriate award type on the form. Should you have any technical difficulties, please send an email to

***Hall of Fame Nominations – Extended!***
Rugby Ontario is still seeking nominations for the Hall of Fame Class of 2024. To submit your nomination please fill out either of the applicable forms – Builders or Players/Coaches/Officials/Teams. Should you have any technical difficulties, please send an email to awards@rugbyontario.comThe deadline to submit a Hall of Fame nomination is September 15th at 11:59pm ET (submissions received after this date will not be considered).

Further Information
The Hall of Fame & Awards Banquet will take place on Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 at the Maple Banquet Hall in Mississauga, ON (location).  More information about the event, including the launch of ticket and table sales, will be released in the coming weeks.

More detailed information on the Annual Awards nomination process, including the Annual Awards Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria, is available on the Rugby Ontario website.  If there are any questions with regards to the Annual Awards selection process, please do not hesitate to contact Myles Spencer, CEO of Rugby Ontario (

We look forward to hearing from you!